Blockchain and Cultural and Creative Practice’, (November 2024) Creative Industries MA Programme, guest speaker Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh.
Keynote speaker ‘What is Blockchain?’ (November 2024) Transformative Futures: Possibilities of Blockchain and the Arts Ecosystem. Clark Art Institute, Massachusetts
‘Is blockchain a disruptive technology for cultural management?’ (November 2024) Visual Arts Administration MA programme guest speaker, New York University, New York
1 / Panel Discussions
CIMAM Rapid Response Webinar 27th April 2023
Dcode Dataification of Values 24th March 2023
The Future of Museums Symposium 23rd February 2023
PlusTate IKT Session - 'The Role of NFTs in Cultural Institutions' 25th January 2023
Jing Culture & Crypto 'Delivering The Museum Experience Through NFTs' online, 28th July 2022)
XpoNorth (online, June 2022): NFT Panel
NFT.NYC (New York June 2022) 'Everyone is a Curator now: Curators as Investors in the NFT Landscape' (New York)
SITEM (Paris, 29th June 2022) 'Seeing beyond NFTs - How Museums Are Riding the Wave Towards a Web3 Future?' (Paris)
IKLECTIK Art Lab Talks #1(London, May 2022): 'NFTs: Arts as a ‘token’ (London)
Y-Lab 'Blockchain and a History of the Future' (online, May 2022)
London Art Fair (London, April 2022) Panel Session: 'NFTs: From Museum to Market'
ARCs Conference (Virtual, November 2021) Panel Session: ‘Non-Fungible What Now!? Everything you don’t know about NFT Art’
Museum Association Conference (Liverpool, November 2021) Panel Session: ‘Why you need to know about NFTs’
EVA Conference (Virtual, July 2021) Panel Session: NFTs
MuseumNext Digital Summit (Virtual, June 2021) Panel Session: What Can NFTs do for Museums?
CADAF Conference (Virtual, June 2021) Panel Session: NFTs and Museums
DeFi Summit (Virtual, June 2021) Panel Session: NFT in the Cultural and Creative Sectors
Afrovalley Blockchain (Virtual, May 2021), Digital Assets & Cryptocurrency Panel Session: NFT – Hype or Hope?
2 / Conference Papers
'NFTs as a Social Practice: Exploring Tokenisation at National Museums Liverpool' The Art Museum in the Digital Age 2023 Conference 16th - 20th January 2023 (online: info here)
EVA Conference (Virtual, July 2020) ‘Blockchain and Digital ‘Thingness’: Exploring the opportunities and risks for museums’
Exploring Blockchain in the Cultural Sector Conference (Virtual, October 2020) ‘Tokens of Connections: Exploring how cryptocollectibles can be made meaningful’
MuseWeb Conference (Virtual, April 2020) ‘Could Blockchain Change the Nature of Ownership in the Museum?’
DCDC Conference (November 2019) ‘Blockchain and the Museum: Turning digital fragmentation into social value’
3 / Invited Talks
ORAgen: Understanding the value and challenges of attribution in the context of AI’ (Oxford, June 2024) The Impact of Generative AI on the Digital Humanities Alan Turing Humanities Research Group, Oxford
Access, Interaction, or Participation? Exploring the impact of blockchain on audience engagement practices, University of Bonn Paraverse seminar series 11th January 2024
When Museums Engage in Web3' Keynote Museums in the Era of Web3 Conference, 6th Sept 23 National Museum Zurich, Keynote Speaker
Designing For Shared Guardianship (June 2023) Design Research Lab
Crypto-Connecting Audiences: Could NFTs change how we consider ownership and connection in museums?’ (June 2021) Centre of Critical Studies in Museums, Galleries and Heritage, University of Leeds.
‘Permanence & Provenance: Exploring blockchain’s challenge to authenticity in the digital museum space’ (October 2020) Digital Humanities Seminar Series, University of Manchester.