Academic Publications
Liddell (2023) 'The NFT Memento: Digital Thingness and Exhibition Design, Digital Creativity 1-17
Liddell (2022) ‘The Crypto-Museum: Investigating the impact of blockchain and NFTs on digital ownership, authority, and authenticity in museums' PhD Thesis, University of Manchester
Liddell (2021) ‘Building Shared Guardianship through Blockchain Technology and Digital Museum Objects’ Special issue ‘Digital (and) Materiality in Museums’ in Museums & Society 19 (2) pp. 220 – 236 10.29311/mas.v19i2.3495
Ho, Vollmer, Pini, Liddell & Disprose (2021): 'Research Workshop Collected Paper: Explorations in concepts and the visual arts’ in Weinel, J, Bowen, J, Borda, A, Diprose, G. (Eds). Proceedings of EVA 2021, London, 5th – 9th July 2021 doi: 10.14236/ewic/EVA2021.46.
I have previously written for a variety of online platforms and magazines, see below for my portfolio: